Listed below are countries that are in need of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Below are the names of every missionary our church is supporting and has sent out to the mission field.

Please pray for those that have dedicated their lives to God's calling.

Denotes missionaries sent out through Dalton Baptist Church.

All Supported MissionariesCountry
Ken and Cyndi Chapman Australia
Kyron and Antonia Horton Brazil
Jerry and Atalias Lantz Brazil
Mark and Dana McCutchen Brazil
Bill and Sharon Smith Brazil
Todd and Jodie Holland - Northwest Territory Canada
Clifton and Tiffany Booth Chile
David and Carole Ross Indonesia
Karen Werth Indonesia
Andrew and Evangeline McClure Micronesia
Paul and Susan Hamilton Moldova
Clayton and Robyn McCurdy Moldova
Jordan and Alicia Kurecki Uganda
Seth and Michaela Riener
Jonathan & Katrina Skean